Monday, August 23, 2010

My Duet Partner

Today I sang a solo in church. Thanks to my very talented friend Danielle, who was willing to play for me with little notice, it was not a disaster. It was not the first time I’d sung in church, but it was as scary as ever, and I shook like a leaf. I also had to contain my laughter because of this little guy. Okay, he looks pretty sleepy in this picture, so you might not guess that he would be a performer, but trust me: he is!


The whole time I was singing at the pulpit, Aiden stood on my mom’s lap, stared at me, and tried to sing right along. Loudly. I had numerous people tell me how funny they thought he was because he clearly recognized that it was me singing, and he was ready to participate in the musical number!


Here’s a little more character. Next time, maybe he can take my place!


The Stultz Family said...

What adorable pictures! And Becca, I love that white shirt!

esmiley said...

That is the cutest story! I wish I could just hop on a plane and meet this little nephew tomorrow.