Friday, August 22, 2014

Visiting Seattle!

I was lucky to be able to visit Mandy and Bryant in Kent, WA with the boys and my parents. Poor Isaac had to stay home to work, and we missed him. It was nice to see where Bry and Mandy are living now and to spend some time with them.

Aiden was so excited the night before that he slept with his clothes and backpack on.


The drive took us about 14 hours, so we were all happy when it was time to get out of the car!


We did some sight-seeing in Seattle, visiting the aquarium, zoo, & Space Needle; taking a harbor cruise; perusing Pike Place Market; and touring the Museum of Flight.



These boys were definitely worn out from our adventures!



Mostly we enjoyed spending time with Mandy and Bryant when we could, and we can’t wait to see them again, once Baby Bingham has made her appearance, if not sooner!



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