Wednesday, July 18, 2012

28 Months Old

Okay, we’re not really counting months anymore, but you know. I love being home with him during the summer, even if I’m taking 20 something credits and spend nap time and evenings reading and writing papers. He is most talkative and funny in the morning, and I feel like I’m just seeing this. He’s the same on the weekends, but Sundays we are up and running to church, and Saturdays go so quickly, I guess seeing him every morning just strikes me with his cute personality. Maybe he’s a morning person.

He likes stickers. Here he is excited about stickers from Aunt Sarah, his aunt serving as a missionary for our church right now.


He also loves markers lately. I’m nervous about the mess that can cause, so he only uses them in moderation, one at a time, under supervision. He got some marker on his hand anyway, so I handed him a wipe to clean up a little while I put the markers away. The phone rang, and I was gone a few minutes longer than planned, but I figured he’d be fine.

Ha ha.


He was NOT loving baths lately, so I introduced bubble baths. Miracle. He loves baths now.


Aiden wants to be like Daddy. He insisted on doing his hair with gel the other day. The only caveat is that he wants to do it himself… so it didn’t look like Daddy’s for very long.


I also caught him about to slide Daddy’s razor down his face. Scary moment for me. I think I let out a squeal and made him cry, but that moment is all a blur now. Suffice it to say, he is fine.

I have yearbook camp next week to learn about making yearbooks since I am teaching the class next year for the first time. I’m really excited, but it’s going to be a long week away from Aiden. Thank goodness his Uncle Patrick is willing to come hang out with him!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the wipes... Many of our wipes have ended up like that... And then into gallon ziplocks after a couple packages were totally wasted... Go Aiden...