Okay, so you know those lessons in church where they talk about faith like a mustard seed? Then they give you a seed and tell you to take it home and plant it in a nice place and make sure it has plenty of water and sun so it will grow big and strong like a testimony?
Those never worked for me. I would take them home and find the loveliest spot I could. I’d ask my parents where the best sun in the yard was. I would water them for days and days. They never even sprouted.
In ninth grade biology, I was supposed to grow a bean plant, but I already had a black thumb track record, so I asked my grandma to also grow a bean plant in case mine didn’t go splendidly. Thank goodness for Grandma Chase.
A week and half ago, my Nursery lesson was about how Jesus Made The World For Us because He loves us. It was suggested to give out seeds for the kids and talk about how Jesus made seeds because He loves us.
I balked a little at first. Then I thought, hey, why not? I didn’t figure some of the kids in Nursery would really have any idea what was going on, but I bought a packet of sugar snap pea seeds and found little containers with lids for them to take home their dirt and seeds in, and I made stickers that said “Jesus Loves Us so He Made Seeds That Can Grow” or something like that. I laughed out loud when one of the girls was very anxious not to leave her “dirt” behind.
I came home with Aiden’s and figured I’d kill it, as I have always done historically. About five days later, a miraculous thing happened.
It sprouted. TWO sprouts, even.
I immediately moved the dirt and seeds to a regular pot and put them out in the sun instead of on my kitchen counter. Then I worried they’d freeze because it’s been cold here lately, so I moved them back to the counter.
I have been trying very hard to keep the soil damp like the package recommended without overwatering the poor little seeds. It’s hard; I have no idea what I am doing since I am (sadly) 27 years old and have never successfully grown anything.
VOILA! FIVE sprouts. and look at that one big one! It’s almost an inch tall!
Hopefully I am not killing them and this is not my only chance to see some green. Any suggestions about how to not kill this (more exciting than it probably should be) venture are WELCOME.