Tuesday, February 1, 2011

On my Mind

Aiden is cranky. Maybe his fourth tooth is coming in, and this will quickly pass. Poor baby.

I took my classes to the library for a little while each period today. Sometimes you need a change of scenery.

Dad is going in for another kidney stone blasting on Thursday. :(

I have a lot still to grade by Thursday's grade deadline. Yikes.

I ate too much for dinner. What a pig.

There is STILL a hole in our wall, and we haven't gotten a call from whomever HOA is sending to patch it. It really stinks having a hole in your wall and an active 10 month old.

I miss the Shamrock shakes at McDonalds. Where is March when you need it?

It is almost Groundhog's Day. Why is it that when it is sunny enough to cast a shadow, that means there will be 6 more weeks of winter? and still I want to know what Punxsatawney Phil will do. I must be crazy.


This is from last week. It has been SO SUNNY and not like January at all, hence the shorts. The hat is just for kicks. :) I like to look at this picture while he is sleeping and think of how not cranky he is most of the time.

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