Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Likes & Dislikes


At 4.5 months old, Aiden likes Mom and Dad (a lot) and smiles when he sees them. :)

He likes watching Sophie run around.

He likes walking while holding onto people’s fingers. I have decided kids his height are not supposed to like walking because it just about kills the helper’s back to bend so low.

He loves his new Tigger toy. Thanks, Grandma Anderson!



He is starting to recognize when he does not know the person who is holding him, which is getting a little sad for people at church and my grandma Chase.

He does not like applause. He started screaming during the applause after some friends performed at a two-year old birthday party last weekend.

He hates going to sleep most of the time lately. It’s horrible.

He’s not such a fan of solid foods yet, but he’s getting better little by little.



Whitney said...

He's so cute! What great pictures!

kevin711 said...

That's a great eating picture!

kevin711 said...

whoops...kevin did't make that comment. I didn't realize he was still signed it. -emily

Cathy said...

Quite a contrast between the Tigger picture and the eating picture. It's great to see both expressions.

Teresa-He's cute!