Monday, May 17, 2010

Mr. Independent... or not

Aiden is trying to convince us he wants to be more independent, but he can't fool us!

He enjoyed time in this swing at Danielle's house... until he couldn't see us anymore!

He likes to sit in his high chair while we eat... until he falls over! (We stuff a blanket in the side to help prop him up.)
He loves to "stand up," and since babies have a step reflex, he frequently looks like he's trying walk... but he has ZERO stability or balance, lol, just strong legs.
He likes to sit in his walker (sans wheels) while I fold laundry or do some activity where I can't hold him... until he gets frustrated that he can't quite suck on the toy bar. He has been very interested in tasting things lately.
Really, he's still a snuggler though, and he's getting pretty good at flashing us big crooked smiles just like Isaac.
Here he is holding Naomi's hand (or thumb). We might worry about him being a lady's man since it seems like most of our local friends have had girls for the past two years...
but really he would rather snuggle with his mommy than any other girl!
and here's a funny face just to make you laugh!

1 comment:

Kayla said...

Do you have a bumbo? If not, you should get one. His head must be really strong though for a 2-month-old. Shelby's was too. She would literally scoot up my chest when she was a baby and she held her head up for long periods of time. She'd also scoot around in her crib as a new-born. (She had to sleep on her belly b/c of her cleft palate) I imagine it would be harder to scoot on your back.