Thursday, October 1, 2009

To be Shot or Not to be Shot...

My doctor wants me to get the flu shots. I want not to get the flu shots.

My doctor says it will be even more miserable than normal if I get the flu, so I should take the precaution, especially since I am a teacher and constantly exposed to lots of germs.
I have never had a flu shot, I would prefer to avoid an unnecessary needle, I worry that I'm more likely to get the flu if I actually get the shots (I have only had it once in the last seven or so years), and I am just trying to be very good about using hand sanitizer in class and not use kids' pencils when I'm showing them something, etc.

I'm looking for people to weigh in...

Shot or Not Shot?!


Whitney said...

I've been wondering the same thing, but I can say that I had a sinus infection a few weeks ago and it was WAY worse than normal. And for some reason it brought back the nauseous feeling and I couldn't keep food down...I think I'm going to get the flu shot just to avoid more nausea!

Sarah said...

I am under the impression that flu shots are overrated. Of course, being pregnant definitely changes things, so I do not know what I would suggest.

John and Tawnya Hoover said...

I am getting the flu shot but not the H1N1 shot... Being pregnant has made it easier to get sick when around children as much as you and I are. Baby is sucking all of our nutrients and our bodies are fighting hard to produce a human and doesnt have alot more time to fight off illness. so thats why i am getting it. I caught a head cold last week and its miserable because being pregnant we cant take anything...
good luck on the decision.

esmiley said...

I've only gotten the flu shot twice--both times while I was pregnant. You are immunocompromised when pregant, so I think it's worth the extra precaution. Most healthy young adults probably don't need one. Young children, pregnant women, and elderly probably should get it.
Note: the shot itself WILL NOT make you sick either. But it can protect you against several nasty virus strains running around that season. I would definitely suggest getting one.

Valerie said...

I think it's a smart idea and I HATE needles.

AmyJane said...

I hopped here from Emily's blog--we used to be roommates. Anyway. I'm convinced that pregnant people should have flu shots, probably both kinds this year, especially if you are teaching school. I've talked to quite a lot of people with expertise on this topic, and the risks to you and your baby are much higher from even a normal flu when you're pregnant.
Nothing like advice from a complete stranger...may as well start now, having a baby makes everyone likely to give you advice, whether or not you want it! :)

Kayla said...

Get the shot. Especially with Swine Flu threats this year. I would definitely get it. I'm worried that I'm not going to be able to get a flu shot!

Charles said...

I would advice that you get a swine flu shot. People your age are generally susceptible to this strain of swine flu. In addition you are more likely to have severe problems if you get the swine flu because of your pregnancy. While the flu isn't usually that bad of a thing, when combined with other medical problems it can hospitalize and kill you.

I do not think that the swine flu is as terrible as everyone suggests, because I have had it. Low grade fever, not vomiting, just weakness for a while. You are going to be weak anyhow though, so take care of yourself. Get the shot!