Wednesday, August 3, 2016

C at 11 months

Charlotte is 11 months old! She is crawling easily and stands alone but doesn't show much interest in the prospect of walking.

 She gives big smiles often, but especially for her brothers. Landon is usually the one to get the biggest laughs from her.
 She loves to eat, so we keep hoping she'll get more teeth to make eating easier for her. Two teeth on the bottom just doesn't make chewing easy.
 She is fitting into her nine month clothes and 3-6 month shoes... she's a little small for her age. Despite her petite size, she has a wail that makes sure she does not go unnoticed when she wants our attention, especially when there is food around.
She snuggles, plays, and loves it when someone sings or talks to her. She is learning to give high fives and to clap her hands. She enjoys going for walks and is usually a great traveler in the car. Sure love this peanut!

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