Wednesday, April 24, 2013

To be Three

It is so fun seeing Aiden understand more and more as he gets older. He talks so much more clearly and tries to understand what is going on all the time. He asks lots of questions.

The other day, Aiden and I spotted a worm outside that seemed to be trapped in the water spilled from the dog’s dish. He wiggled all around but couldn’t seem to get anywhere. Aiden and I talked about how earthworms live in the dirt most of the time. My mom mentioned that it was sad that by the time the worm escaped from the puddle, it would probably be warm and dry outside, and the worm might die before he made it back to the dirt. Aiden looked alarmed and said, “I want to save the worm!” He didn’t actually want to touch it, but he convinced Isaac to pick it up and carry it over to the dirt. Then he squatted next to it like this for TWENTY minutes as it wiggled into the dirt.


I was impressed that he would think of “saving” the worm and that he showed compassion for such a tiny creature. The following weekend, he told me that he wanted to watch a worm again, but we didn’t find any. Funny kid.


Mandy B. said...

That is such a cute story. :) What a sweet little guy.

Cathy said...

What is amazing is the squatting for 20 minutes!!