Monday, November 26, 2012

Monterey Aquarium

The Tennessee Snows came out for a visit this Thanksgiving. I was fortunate to have the whole week off after working 11 hour days with parent-teacher conferences the week before, and Isaac had a few days off, so we got to spend a lot of family time together.

We spent a day down in Monterey. Aiden LOVED all the fish in the aquarium. We literally had to tear him away from some of the exhibits; he was perfectly happy staring at the sea life for long periods of time.



After exploring the aquarium, we dined at Ghirardelli Ice Cream, stopped at the beach for a bit, and picked up fresh produce at a local farm’s stand.


We ended the day with exotic burgers and a movie. It was a great day. Smile


Cathy said...

We are so glad we got to see you. Aiden was such a joy.

Sarah said...

It was definitely a lot of fun! I am so glad we were able to see Aiden see the fish. :)