Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why I love Photoshop & Lightroom

Have you seen that commercial about The Cloud giving some lady the family nature never could? If not, you really aren’t missing out, but it is kind of a good point that digital photos and imaging make it a lot easier to end up with a pretty great picture than was once possible.

For instance, I started with the following picture, which is pretty dang cute of everyone except Aiden, who smiled much better for other pictures.


so I head-swapped him. I also cropped it and warmed it up a little. Much cuter.


Then I had this one from family pictures. I had the camera set on auto because I really haven’t practiced enough to be confident with manual yet, but I wished later that I had tried at least on some shots because auto was a little all over the place; some were so overexposed they were not even salvageable. So sad. Thankfully, some of them turned out pretty cute. It’s hard to get 16 people facing forward and looking ready for the camera at the same instant, you know?


Voila! Head swap success. (and cropped and warmed again)


I have the ability to get a little artsy with Lightroom if I feel so inclined, and it’s so easy!


I can even do something disgusting like this… (okay, officially I did this about 8 years ago with another program)


and now that I have frightened you all, I will go back to just cropping.

mostly ;)


Brooklyn said...

1. Very nice work on the family photos!

2. I hate you.


sunnysnows said...

lol, I love you, Brookie!

esmiley said...

These look great. I knew I should have just defaulted to you when my dad asked me to do some head swapping. Is there any way you could e-mail me the cousins picture and the family pictures as high resolution jpegs and I'll upload them to the picassa album so others can access them too.