Saturday, October 29, 2011


This morning Isaac and I participated in the Marsh Madness 10K in Palo Alto with two other couples from our ward. I came in in the five-minute range I’d hoped, slow though it was. Smile Jon, Danielle, and Isaac all finished in under an hour! They are my heroes.

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I learned three things:

1. I am not more motivated by a race than I am just running on my own. I had to keep myself from stopping to pet the doggies we passed.

2. Some marshland is SUPER stinky. I’m glad there was only a mile stretch or so that smelled so nasty.

3. Free hamburgers taste even more delicious than normal after running six miles.


The superstars! (and me)

Monday, October 24, 2011

What a difference a year makes

Pumpkin hunting with our nineteen month old… In typical Aiden fashion, he did a lot of standing and staring at everything until we encouraged him to hold our hands and walk around to look at the pumpkins.

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I can hardly believe how much he looks like a little boy now, and at this time last year, he was still such a baby!

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Once he found a pumpkin that was small enough for him to carry around, he would hardly put it down. He is calling it a ball, but at least he likes it, right?

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Our big toddler loves to play, run around, babble, and tackle people or the dog. He is loving being the only boy in Nursery with ten or so little girls. He is talking a little more and has said a few sentences like '”Where’s the book?” He is good with routines but has a hard time breaking them. I am not, for instance, allowed to forget any part of his bedtime routine or he cries “teeth” or “book” or whatever I have neglected to do. He’s getting into everything and trying to make his own decisions, but someday I will admire that independence, right? Smile