Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Like a microphone in the wind...

Great news! We have a horse on the way!

At least, my mom says this looks like a horse. The doctor called it a blob. I think it kind of looks like a static-y bean, but hey.

We call it baby. This is Baby's first picture!
Today we had a great appointment. All my tests were normal and good, I found out I have O+ blood (it's lame that I didn't know that until today, I guess), and we got to hear the baby's heartbeat. It was even cooler than the ultrasound last time. It felt like forever before we heard the baby's heartbeat over what Isaac describes as "the sound of a microphone in the wind," but we knew we had to be hearing Baby when the doctor found the heartbeat! It made all the stress of a really rough day at work go away, and we couldn't be more excited.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Let the Games Begin!

Done just in time...

I left school around 5:30 Tuesday evening, but all my furniture was dusted and organized, posters were up, the bookcase was built, desks were (mostly) labelled, copies were made, and everything was finally ready to go. Thank goodness for Mom and Isaac. It took SO LONG, but I was ready for the kids come Wednesday morning.