Saturday, May 31, 2014

Talking like a four year old

Behold the most random conversation with Aiden

Sometimes when I think about how he will be old enough for kindergarten in a year, I am terrified. The way he uses five different letters for “C” and cannot pronounce any consonant blends and uses pronouns incorrectly makes me wonder if people will be able to understand him. On the flip side, when I’m not worrying about his future, I think the way he speaks is pretty cute, so here’s a sample. Smile


Brooke said...

1. What do you eat with? Lots of food. TRUE.

2. When you asked his favorite food, I thought, "He's going to say graham crackers." And then I was totally right.

3. Jon says he thinks that once Aiden is in school and HAS to be able to communicate more clearly, more consistently, he'll improve really quickly. But in the meantime, it's pretty cute :)

Mandy B. said...

I love this video. It is really cute how he says so many words mostly right but with the wrong consonants. Someday he'll get them and I'm sure it won't be in too long. :)

Also, I totally love your caption for the video. hahaha. Behold.

I love you!

Mandy B. said...

Okay. I seriously love this video so much I've watched it 3 times in the last 20 minutes. It's so funny.

esmiley said...

Okay that's really cute.