Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Lesson on Fine Dining

This week I enjoyed some California Rolls from our favorite Japanese place around the corner. I was excited to pull out the beautiful chopsticks I got in “Japan” at EPCOT this summer. Aiden was looking at me with that gleam in his eye that says “Teach me, Mommy!”

So I did.

We may have happened to have picked up a pair of training chopsticks in EPCOT as well. The two sticks are held together by a panda and totally adorable.


They are not, however, as easy as you might think. There’s lots of wiggle room still.


I was really proud of Aiden for being so persistent trying to pick up his bread with chopsticks.


Finally, success! Open-mouthed smile


Sarah said...

Wow! I still can't use chopsticks.

Unknown said...

Go aiden! I guess I should bring sushi to nursery mor often!