Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Moo Baa La La La

This is Aiden’s favorite book, hands down. He pulls it off the shelf and throws hands it at to me. Thank you, Sandra Boynton, for writing such a fabulous book. Isaac and I have it memorized, in case you ever want a recitation. ;)

Aiden is starting to learn to “read” along… he likes to “oof oof” on the little dog page, “quack” with the duck, and tonight he started “bow wow wow”ing. It was too cute not to try to catch on video… so here’s our best attempt at catching his animal noises!


esmiley said...

One of my all time favorite Sandra Boyton books hands down. Grace loved that one too.

It was cute to hear Aiden barking, quacking, and bow-wowing! He's really quite good at that now!

I also enjoyed hearing Isaac barking, quacking, and bow-wowing. He's pretty good too. :o)

Brooklyn said...

That is SO CUTE. I like the bow-wow the best :) Isaac's not so bad, either. :)

Sarah said...

He is so cute! I can't believe how much he has grown just since Christmas.