Monday, November 22, 2010

New Hiding Place

Crawling is a fun new adventure for Aiden, who is finding exciting new places to play and hide.


For instance, he lately loves it by or behind the toilet in our bathroom, and he gets there lickety-split when I put him down to brush my teeth or do my hair.


You’d better believe we are cleaning around our toilet more regularly now than we ever have before.


Whitney said...

That's Oberlin's favorite place, too! We have a garbage can there, and he makes a beeline for it anytime we forget to close the door. And he does a "sneaky is anyone going to catch me" look before he goes. It's so funny!

Cathy said...

It is certainly going to be fun and "interesting" at Christmas with two babies in motion!! I wonder how they both will fit around the toilet.

sunnysnows said...

lol, that's hilarious. I am super excited to see how they interact.