Sunday, November 21, 2010

It’s Getting Cold Out

So apparently we are going through La Nina, which means to me that our weather is harder to predict and more flip-floppy than we are used to. We’ll have a week that is so hot it’s setting records, and then we’ll have cold and rain. It’s weird.

Anyway, I am learning that it takes a lot longer to bundle up myself and a baby than it used to take to bundle up just me. He has little shoes that don’t just slide on like mine do, and wiggly arms that take some maneuvering to get in a jacket…


It’s worth the effort to get him snuggled up in this little teddy bear coat though. Smile

1 comment:

Sarah said...

That is a super cute coat! Just imagine how much more you would have to bundle him up if you were in Provo.