Saturday, November 13, 2010

8 months old!

Some things I love about our eight-month old…

*how he turns around more often now when we say his name... I think he is finally recognizing it
*how he is fearless and trying to cruise around furniture a step or two at a time and trying to sit from standing even though he ends up falling down fairly often. This is also terrifying for me, but I'm trying to keep him as safe as I can without keeping him from learning.

*how he bounces himself to sleep sometimes in his JumpNGo

*how when he is dozing off in my arms, he looks up and me questioningly if I talk as if to listen for more, then smiles and/or coos and drops back off
*when he tries to give kisses (even though sometimes he just licks my cheek or often he grabs my face with one hand and my hair with the other)
*how he lights up when he sees me or Isaac or Sophie (or my mom or dad)

*the way he is getting more expressive every day… pulling funny faces and making his opinions clear

*how he looks like Peter Pan in the green sleeper he just started wearing... it has no feet, and for some reason, he reminds me of Peter Pan


1 comment:

Sarah said...

I love the expressive face. It is really funny. I can't wait to finally meet him.