Thursday, April 22, 2010

1 month (okay, this is a little late now)

Aiden is one month old! For his month-mark, he got a shot and had his blood taken for more bilirubin testing. He still had to have one more test a few days later, but now we have the results back, and he does not have any liver issues. We should finally be done testing his blood and caring about jaundice.

He is getting more expressive, and I often find myself laughing at what most people would not think twice about, but I guess that's a mother's prerogative. This face, for instance, is one that makes me smile. :) Also, he is getting better at sucking a pacifier, and while I realize some people aren't big on the binky, it saved my sanity today when he was going crazy and after five hours of the fussies, he finally settled down when I gave him the pacifier and rocked him to sleep. I love you, binky.


Whitney said...

I love the binky, too. There have been times that I don't know what I would do without it!

Unknown said...

Oh yeah! Binky, thumb, baba, whatever makes baby happy makes mama happy... you can play binky fairy in a couple years if you need to get him off it... till then... save your sanity, use the binky plug :) We need to get together in the next couple days... I"m having serious Becca withdrawal...