Aiden: I’m not sure what Dad is doing. Let’s discuss.
Landon: Oh, I know! Awesome!
Aiden: Dad revamped and shingled a new patio cover for us!
Dad’s a real superhero. Seriously. More photo evidence to come…
We picked out pumpkins at the local farm for FHE this week. Aiden had a blast running through the pumpkins trying to find one big enough to be exciting but light enough to carry. Landon mostly just seemed to be looking around and taking it all in.
This week we’ll attempt to carve at least one of them… wish us luck!
Also, random aside: I just noticed that our boys and all their boy cousins have first names that end in N… Oberlin, Aiden, Nathan, Landon, Anderson…
The boys brush teeth together every night, and Landon here demonstrates how he tries so hard to be like his big brother. It made me laugh, so I hope you enjoy it too!
At 11 months old, Landon is showing more and more of his personality. He is a little bossy, likes to do what his brother is doing, hates feeling left behind, and loves being the center of attention.
He is a pretty good sleeper and a very good eater. He chews his food with his eight teeth, tries new foods without complaint, and eats regularly and with much gusto.
He is getting more comfortable with walking but still likes to hold our hands or scoot around on his behind. He seems to be skipping crawling.
He is a generally happy boy, loves to have Aiden hop into his crib with him when they wake up in the morning, gets antsy on long outings in the stroller, giggles when interacting with someone (especially his brother), watches us constantly to figure out how things work, and gives big smiles when he sees us for the first time in a while.